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High-fibre preparations

High-fibre preparations derived mainly from vegetables and fruit represent what's best in nature. Containing both soluble and insoluble fibre, they combine the advantages of both fractions in terms of health benefits and technology. The preparations have very good functional properties, particularly absorbency and gelling power.

Fibre preparations are available in purified form, with natural taste and fragrance, suitable for many different applications. Forms with partly preserved taste and flavour of the raw material are also available, and can be used to enhance the taste of a product and offer more variety. The colour of plants used to produce high-fibre preparations can also be preserved, and the product can then serve as a natural colourant.

High fibre content can also be associated with the presence of other beneficial substances naturally occurring in vegetables and fruit, such as polyphenols. Apart from additional health benefits, such a combination has desirable functional properties, and can extend the shelf life of products.

High-fibre preparations are often used in dairy and fruit desserts, jams, fruit and vegetable drinks, yoghurts, cream cheese, fruit pulp, cakes, food supplements and other foods.

Example applications

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